Saturday, 19 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Today was fun. Today was a good day, better than yesterday.
Basically because our class just spent our whole 3 hour break hanging round town, twas' funny.
Also there was this random drug and alcohol thing in the common room which our tutor made us go round. The majority of us just skimmed through it, and laughed as people took the cigarette test thing. But 3 people decided to be a bit more enthusiastic and peed in a cup for a free pair of pants. Nice lol
I don't think anyone actually cared that it was a test for chlamydia. Just that if you did it you got free underwear.
The cringey thing is on the waistband it says: 'I've been tested!' repeatedly
So that could be awkward. Haha
Also they got one of those goody bags with the cheap durex condoms and depressing fortune cookies.
Normal fortune cookies are nice and happy. But COLLEGE fortune cookies taste like carboard and have messages like
'1 in 5 people have an STI'
3rd good thing about today, is that I proved to my group in tut that I'm not bitch today. Yaaaay :D
I'm so lame lol. But I'm a guilty kind of person.
Anyways, I helped the girl in my group with setting up her easle, so I'm okay with her.
And in textiles I had some random conversation with the guy in my tut group about magic money and trousers. For, some reason...
Plus he's the bitch now cos he kept stealing the fabric I was using.
I always knew he had a soft spot for silk floral patterns. HA
Thursday, 3 December 2009
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
The week so far has been weird, in a good way I suppose.
Monday was suprisingly okay. Because most of the time they seem to draw out forever but apparently not this week. It was better than last week anyway. Last week was creepy, maybe I'll explain later.
Our graphics teacher liked my ideas for my poster which is good. And my 3D teacher and his assistant reminds me of Batman and his butler, Alfred.
Lols, I'ma geek.
It's not my fault. The assistant is old and has a moustache and the 3D teacher, well, he's not at all like Bruce Wayne but it's just the hierachy. He had to walk around in his socks cos he rode to college on a bike and it was rainy.
Yesterday was fun too. Though it turns out our deadline for puppets is even closer than we thought. And we're gonna have an exam in Art History next week. But we haven't got to revise or anything and my puppet only needs some clothes and hair n stuff so meh
Also my group is nice. Our Art History class is in a lecture theatre so sound travels quite well and we were all in the 2 first rows cos our class is small lately. Everybodys sick, but EVERYONE seems to turn up on Thursdays for photography. Which is quite ironic cos the class would be easier if there were less people. Since dark room usage would be easier, but oh well. I find it funny. I bet everyone turns up this Thursday too.
Anyways, so we're sitting in this echo-tastic room and my mobile decides to start running out of battery in my bag. And unfortunately this means my phone starts beeping really annoyingly even when it's on silent. And it did it and everyone except me were arguing that it wasn't a phone. I was just trying to sit there innocently. But it was cool, lol, I found it quite funny.
I tried to go christmas shopping yesterday cos it was a half day but I didn't have much luck. My class is doing secret santa and I was gonna get them fingerless gloves cos DAMN they got a different pair for each day of the week. But suddenly every pair of figerless gloves either come in single gloves or with hearts all over them or both... hmm
And I couldn't find the thing my Mum wanted either, so blegh.
Sunday, 29 November 2009

Wednesday, 25 November 2009
CC - Courtship Dating
Love this song. Love Crystal Castles too, one of my fave bands.
And omg, I went to that website mentioned at the end of that trailer thing for BTTF,, and it's awesomeeee. Well the beginning to it is. It like, stalks yor computer and tells you the date and time. It has the twinkly sounds and everything LOL. You can tell it's from your computer cos Germany is an hour ahead of us. Which makes it extra cool x3.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Sunday, 22 November 2009
So, for the next few posts, it's gonna look like you're suffering from double vision. I'm sorry about that, but you'll just have to feel paraletic.
I never realised Barney was so creepy :/
Finally, this is defintely my favourite song at the moment:
Also I love their music video for Burial:
Love it. I love all Miike Snow's songs so far. They are awesome-sauce~
I wanted a happy update.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Sunday, 1 November 2009
This is stupid.
Well, actually it's stupid that I didn't bother to rummage through my Dad's DVD cupboard sooner. Otherwise this wouldn't be a problem.
I wanna have a Superhero marathon~ Lol it sounds like a song
But yeah, I found box sets for Batman, Superman AND Spiderman. I watched Batman Begins (I can't watch them upstairs anyway, cos their blu-ray and I just got pushed off the TV, but still.)
And the 1st Superman movie (yay retro lol)
But there's like, 9 disks in that box set. And then there's 2 for Batman (and probs more if I look hard enough) and 3 Spiderman, which is 6 disks... So I'm kinda stuffed, cos that would take me like, what, more than a day to get through? lol.
I feel like watching Spiderman 1 now.
Did you know Marvel's been bought by Disney? I was like WHATTTT
Even though I don't read Marvel much. My sister does, she's in love with X-men but I don't think I've read any of their's.
Oh well. I just hope they don't ruin it for the people-who-do-read-it's sake lol.
they probs won't. Disney is smart, it should know that they'll get more income if they keep it as it is. Just like WB did with DC.
Hmm, we shall have to see...
I still wish I could have a movie marathon though...
HAHA. I just proved the whole of my family is geek-territory in one, single post. My sister loves X-men, my Dad collects Superhero movies and I'm just a freak. I think my Mum just lies there and sleeps all day though...
I watched Hancock for the first time yesterday. It twas' awesome. Hahaa~
So I watched 3 already yesterday, I guess that's okay. And I watched a Superman thing today by accident. I don't really know how I managed that but I was jsut watching TV and the next program on was 'Lois and Clark'. Lol, how random.
Ooh, colourful~
Kay, it's not a hurricane.
But wow. That's alot of rain.
Oo, it sounds like there's more coming.
The tree's leaves have all fell off, it was pretty before. Now it looks odd...
Yay, there's loads of strong wind outside. Wind is cool~ But that was just weird before LOL
Ooh, there's a plane going past, I bet the pilots enjoyed that, not.
Last of the Summer Wine~
Why do thay call it G.O.L.D now? And not just Gold? It's retarded. I thought Gold was okay, you know like 'Comedy Gold'? Now it's like, Go On Laugh Daily or something. Tis' stupid. Meh.
Well that was random...
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Got back from Guide Dog collecting. St Albans is weird. Lol. But it’s cool too, I spose.
Sign guy didn’t donate anything (DAMN HIM) But he kept grinning at me while he walked in his endless, little circles of the town. He has quite a weird expression when he does that, he looks very smug. Along with his ear phones plugged in constantly it looks quite funny. It was a bit hard not to notice, he went past like 6 times... I think he was just jealous of my fluorescent vest. Not many people have a fluorescent vest, I can tell you that. All he has is two bits of cardboard slung round his neck. I so totally smash that with my vest, muahahaa...
I didn’t have any stickers this time, I was quite disappointed. But no one else who works for Guide Dogs likes the stickers. (Smelly people). I think it’s because they’re easy to drop, and once they’re gone you’ll never get them back. You can only hide them with your shoes and a very-careful-positioning of your dog's ass. But I like them, and I find it funny when people go past and point at their stickers, like it’s some kind of ID and I’m a weird doggy bouncer or something. And if I don't see them I'll tackle them to the floor and force them to get their wallet out.
The trick to the stickers is having them ready before you need them. (I’m not one to be organised but I think I’m quite good at this. LOL for once... I have a purpose omg!)
People with their kids keep calling me ‘lady’ when they make them put the money in the pot. It makes you feel important LOL.
There were all these nice ladies giving Vinnie treats, I swear he got the equivalent of his breakfast. Not that he was complaining, Vinnie was working it. Giving the paw and everything, Vinnie the ladies dog. LOL
I feel sorry for this foreign guy (he was quite fit actually... wow I said fit, I always despised that expression...) Anyways, he was looking for a bank I didn’t even know was in St Albans, so I said I didn’t know and told him to go in the direction of the other banks (left, since I was outside Waterstones.) And about half an hour later he went past me the other way, making that weird 'Thanks for trying anyway' kinda face and gesture. I found it funny and felt guilty at the same time. Twas' a confusing time.
He looked quite official though, he had one of those weird tucked-in scarf things and a black coat. He looked like a lawyer or something, >.>;;; I hope he wasn’t...
Also there was this really weird guy. He came up to me and asked me whether the person in charge of Guide Dogs had paid his debt yet. So I just stood there a little bewildered and he went on to talk about this weird thing about him having a three million pound debt because he took it out for a house or something like that, and that it’s all his fault the economy is going all crappy and stuff. I told him honestly that I had no idea what he was talking about but that I apologize on his behalf. And then that sent him off on another lecture about me being dragged into a corporate scheme and whatnot. So I did what all people do when they are pretending to listen; I nodded and agreed. I felt like one of those people you get on the end of complaint phone-calls...
But the strangest thing about this guy (he looked like father Christmas O__o) was that he was saying it all with a grin on his face and all cheery and stuff. Then he finally ended with "AND THAT is why I can’t give you money... I’ll stroke your dog though.” It was just like, oh okay O__o;;
AND THEN I got my comicbook and all was well in the world (:
Woo~ Weird day...
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Friday, 23 October 2009
Yes, lately I have done alot of Superhero art, and I decided to do a post on it. Cos I am so kewl like.

I was actually quite amazed someone hadn't done this already.
I mean, can you see where I'm coming from?! That's the 80's for you I guess.
But jeez.
I don't like the name Dick either, but when you say Richard it's weird. Like you're nagging or something lols. Everyone should just address him like an army cadet, cos that's what I do. And everyone should copy me cos I am amazing (not). But it works.
His name was actually good for this picture though. But now it seems as if it's a big ball of mocking-ness. Just because of his name. LOL. Plus I keep thinking of Lady GaGa...
I just feel sorry for him cos he went from traffic-light speedo kid to disco man before finally getting a good costume. And now he's the Batman! After all that~
Thank goodness they atleast gave him tights for the TV Series...

Does he qualify? Look at his sad, little face.
Anyways, he's meant to become one, and it's my blog so he qualifies. Lols.
Does he look sad to you? I wanted him to look sad. Like super sad but not sad sad... erm.
Whatever, does he look like he was abandoned?
Cos that's what I wanted...
I need to do more work with this OC. I might do a comic preview with him, once I get the layout and script sorted out. Then it's just a matter of time till you get sick of him. MUAHAHAA
And yes, I called him Leslie just to give him more grief. (I'm mean). It's meant to hav been his Grandad's name, which explains that...

It's Super Man! Only younger. By the way, I was on google the other day, searching Superman cos I came across his theme for some reason. And I found the grossest picture ever. Well it's not that bad but I hate it.
I'm not even gonna dignify (undignify) it by posting it here. You can have a link instead-
I need to work on backgrounds. Seriously. Apart from that, and his screwy eye, it's okay I guess...

Seriously though, I draw this guy way too much, and I'm sure people are getting sick of it. But his hair is fun to draw. And so is his mask, the mask is badass.
He's one of those characters which you can't stop drawing till you get it EXACTLY right.
I'm quite happy with this picture. Dunno why, I'm just happy with all of it. I sound so bigheaded right now

[SPOILERS FOR ALL STAR: BATMAN & ROBIN -Boy Wonder. Ye' been warned. Slightly.]
But this isn't really my art. It's a scan of the comicbook I bought on Saturday last week. I really liked the panel so I decided to make a sig for a forum out of it.
Go me~ woo
This page is at the beginning when he's doing his acrobatic performance at the cricus with his parents, just before they die. Which is really sad, and then it's odd cos Bruce steals him from a cop car (cos Gotham cops are bastards. Like litterally.)
And then he just dumps him in The Batcave. And Alfred goes all soft and bring him silk pajamas and a cheeseburger secretly (I couldn't stop laughing at that bit. Seriously. The pajamas had pom-pom buttons xDD) And then Bruce and Alfred argued like a married couple. Then Grayson killed a rat with this gynormous axe cos he got sick of it hissing at him. Then he slit this guys face open and beat him up (but he has a right too, cos he shot his parents). And then he almost killed The Green Lantern. But he didn't like all that, cos before he wouldn't even squish bugs.
And THEN Bruce FINALLY takes him to his parents grave and then everythings all better. Kinda odd, but cool too. The main bit that's strange is his parents are shot in this version, when in most a villain (often The Joker) slashes a rope and they fall to their doom during their performance.
Plus there was really random making out. It was actually quite funny. One minute Wonder Woman and Superman are arguing about how Batman is killing their image but can't die, and Wonder Woman's going on about putting heads on spikes and stuff, and then they're snogging all over the place!
And Bruce makes out with a fangirl, well, actually she starts it, and she's a fanatic more than a fan-girl, she wants to be like him and live his lifestyle. It's still strange though.
Also, maybe it's just Batman's fault Grayson's sense of style is so weird. Because he asks him to make a costume, and he does, based on Robin Hood! Except he's called The Hood and uses a bow n arrow, and the costume is actually really awesome. I wanna draw it. And then Batman gave him a thumbs down, pulled his hood down over his face and made it himself.
So yes, it's all Bruce's fault. BLAME BRUCE.
Did anyone know that the Green Latern can't do anything to something wth his ring, if it's yellow? I think I used to but I forgot. It was really weird cos I turned the page and everything was BAMYELLOW. I was like WTF. They painted a whole un-rented flat yellow. And then themselves. And then Bruce drank goddamn lemonade just so he wouldn't beat them up. And he STILL got punched in the face quite a few times. I found that so funny. And then Robin almost killed him. Silly, angsty Robin
That's another thing I found funny in this book. The amount of times they say 'Goddamn' in it. I'm really tempted to just go through the book and count how many times they say it. There's a page where him and Dorothy (I think that's the fangirl persons name...) say it like 12 million times.
Anyways. The art in it is really good, like awesomely. Very inspiring to read and such. Well for me anyway. I wish I could draw like that, I wish I could have a job like that! If I could achieve something like that I would be happy for the rest of my life! Seriously.
I've scanned some pages and might put up my faves later this week if I get round to it. Which will probs be alot because I like EVERY page. But I promise to be merciful.
I'm sad. I can't find any of my other comic books. SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THEM >___> Including the really old one my Dad gave me, the one when Jason Todd Robin is killed by The Joker and a stupid crowbar >__>. I am sad. TT_TT
I'm sorry. I get excited about these things.
As my 3D teacher says; it's all very sexy.
Changed my layout. I was bored of all my stuff sitting around in the dark.
And I actually found the place where you can change your header. After like half a year, I'm so lazy. So might do that sometime...
Thursday, 22 October 2009
That doesn't usually happen...
Robin colouring vid -
Beast Boy drawing + colouring vid -
Soz for the weird music. This is actually the kind of stuff I listen to while drawing. LOL I'm so sad...
Pardoné ma frenché
My head fucking hurts. Stupid dark. Stupid closet. RARG
I thought I was infront of the door, but I was infront of the wardrobe. And then I walked forward, freaking SLAMMED my head into the flipping closet, then,
Now I can't sleep. Meh. I am sadz.
There's a big bump on my head and it's all because of a retarded set up of lights.
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Okay, so my friend Alex, ever since he's been in Yr 8 or something his hair WOULD NOT stop growing. Seriously all it would do was grow and grow and grow. Now I dunno about you, but I always thought after a while of growing at a fast pace, the hair would slow down a little after a while. But noooo
Anyway, He's in Sixth form now, and the other day I saw him with his poofy hair (it was seriously getting towards afro level, I mean geez.)
And yesterday, IT WAS ALL GONE I was like,
Hey who's that guy talking to Nick? HOLY CRAP WHERE HIS HAIR GONE?!
Even my Dad was suprised. It was just weird. It's all short again now. You watch, I bet it's gonna start going all big again within like a month. It'll start eating people and singing musicals like that plant out of 'Little Shop of Horrors'
Markyate will have it's own horror story to go with the 'Wicked Lady' thing. I bet you've been taught that sometime, that story gives me the creeps. Considering I reside in the location it's meant to be set in, her cell rather. I mean why the hell would you teach primary school children about a evil lady who used to live in a cell down the road from your house?!
Anyway. I just find it funny that he went from looking like a lopsided tree to having hair shorter than my dog's. Hehehee.
Anyway. Has anyone heard of Cory Walker? He's a comic artist for Marvel (mainly), his sketches are awesome. Anywho, from 2007-2008, he did this thing when he did a blog, doing a sketch every day for a year. It's pretty cool, and I'm only on Febuary lols.
It seems to be the Batman month for him (WOO)
Anyway, it's quite a cool idea, I just wanted to post it so I wouldn't forget it, it looks fun hehee.
Okay, and this one is just, amazingly cool
Okay, so on youtube, this guy makes music videos for his songs right, out of disney movie clips. The videos themselves are really well constructed, they move to the beat really well.
That's no that shocking though is it? How many disney videos do you see around Youtube? Thousands probably. But his are still very much above average...
No. This is the awesomely cool thing about his stuff: He makes his videos from a different disney movie each time, right? (it's not always disney though, there's a harry potter one too, which I'm listening to right now, hehehee)
The reason he does this is, is he makes his own songs, but he's actually made them out of different sounds from the original movie. It's amazingly cool, like insane.
His Youtube page: (I should so do Ads...)
SO cool, I just came across the Alice one the other day, and when I read the description, I was like 'Whutttttt, seriously?'
His username doesn't really do him justice though...
You'll see what I mean. Yes that's right you are clicking on that link. Now. Go! Or regret it...
Okay I'm done.
They're both cool~
How weird, I updated exactly 8 hours and 10 minutes later!
That seems strange for some reason... hehee
Friday, 16 October 2009
And you know that 'Lesson 1' song? Well they were singing it (obviously)
And there's this lyric where it goes:
"Cut quick, like my blade~
Think fast, unafraid~"
But instead of unafraid I thought they were going to sing "Like my spade"
So I was just cracking up to this stupid song getting weird stares from the strangest person on the planet.
But it was seriously funny.
I guess you had to be there.
All the songs in that movie are kind of retarded. I like the first Mulan but the sequel's kinda crappy...
Blegh, felt like saying that.
Saturday, 10 October 2009
*jumps off to watch the Dead Celebrities South Park ep*
Hehehee. I don't usually watch South Park, but this sounds like it'll be a good one~
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Or a stylophone, but they're quite cheap so they're more in reach. Keytars are slightly cooler though. Actually I dunno. Ugh I feel mean choosing.
Keytars are cooler. Obviously. But Stylophones are cute, hehee.
One day, oneeee day, I shall have one. Or both. That would be cool. Yesssss...
I'm sad. There's something wrong with the plugs in my room, and I plugged in my organ and it gave me an electric shock. And then I switched on a light and the bulbs went. Stupid electricity. Blegh.
I was tired a minute ago and now I'm awake. How annoying.
Day off tomorrow, yaaaaaaay
Also, made 2 new T-shirt designs today, woo!

Angry toaster I came up with while in Cornwall, and the pudding one, I... well, actually I think I was just hungry.
@Fran: Don't try to understand. It'll only end in tears.
I'm sorry, I just wanted to say that.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
I had to wear a pajama top, a random cardigan and a pair of my sisters jeans, which keep slipping down. So I am forced to sit all day.
Ew, I have cold.
Do not come to the Day household, you will be permanently diseased.
I'm going to Cornwall on Mondayyyyyy, yaaaaay
And I have just realised I gave a friend from college the wrong email adresssssss D: No yaaaaaaay
Instead of giving her my usual email, I decided to give her my new email, for different stuff. But I gave her .com instead of
Hopefully she'll work it out. Or some random person will be getting my homework sent to them.
In advance, sorry random person.
I really should of asked for her email back. Oh well. I'm entirely screwed.
Yaaaaaaay Gorillaz just came on the TVVV
Can't dance though. Stupid pants.
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Mum is so annoyiong sometimes. I got up at 8:20 today, which I thought was quite good since it's not like I have anything to get up for. But apparently I should get up at 7:00 like everyone else. I don't know what would of been accomplished from this apart from collapsing on the dining room table, but according to her it's the right thing to do.
Also, I learnt today that motivating someone, according to dear, sweet mother, is shouting at someone about their failiures, how they should of done something and what'll happen to them if they don't this time. Now this may be true, but she kept telling me she'd offered to have taken me somewhere or something, which she obviously hadn't, otherwise I would of taken her up on the offer in the first place. Bloody hell.
Also. I'm sick or arguing, and it's obvious it's getting on the rest of the house's nerves too. I don't excactly know what we are achieving from it, except her drawling the obvious through my mind about 97534653 times. It's freaking retarded. Next time she tries to start an argument, I'm just gonna reply 'Good morning', saunter off past her, and hopefully get into the kitchen this time (I didn't quite make it last time ): ). Cos I'm freaking thirsty... eck. I hate being thirsty, it's so yucky.
But there is something I find odd about this. And that is that after all that ranting, and talking of what I'm going to do, I am now colouring my rant as a rainbow... lols
I wuv 'Peep show' (sitcom), if you haven't watched it you should. It's hilarious.
And Fran, I think you should learn a Beatles song on the guitar :P
Wow... long, multi-coloured post...
Monday, 14 September 2009
Saturday, 12 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Monday, 31 August 2009
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Monday, 10 August 2009
Monday, 3 August 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Monday, 27 July 2009
Friday, 24 July 2009
So just now I decided to finally plug in the charger again, and it went through the whole turn on thingy, and it takes like, 3 mins for messages to load so I was just browsing the net. And I got bored of the radio so I decided to turn it off. And then someone started talking and I was just like WTF?! I turned you off! and started stabbing my radio. Until I finally remembered it was my phone :/
Lol I'm lame.
Oh yeah.
That's seriously what I thought of when I saw that photo.
Poor Voldy. So misunderstood. xD
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Monday, 20 July 2009
I watched the new Harry Potter movie today!! Wid ma family and friend
My Dad kept getting elbowing me cos Kirsty and me kept laughing, like this part when she moved the straw in her drink and it sounded like Dumbledore farted... hehee (immature much)
Or when Dumbledore was playing with the water the memories were swimming around in, and we half expected him to wipe his hand on Harry xD
I felt sorry for Draco in this movie. I mean, he was an absolute bastard and sorta broke Harry's face. But that's what Draco does. And he was crying and everything, that part was sad.
One of my fave bits was when Ron ate the love potion chocolates which were meant to be Harry's, and acted like he was drunk. That was hilarious. Especially when he fell off the sofa. But it was kinda freaky when he started foaming at the mouth from the drink.
It ended alot quicker than I expected it to. Not that much action in it, apart from the short duel in the bathroom, when Harry used Snape's spell on Draco
And the quidditch match apparently. I don't really know cos I had to go to the bathroom... lol
And the inferi (is that how it's spelt? Can't be asked to reference...) were freaking creepy.
And Dumbledore died for nothing, wtf.
Also, they must of tried alot of times to get all that writing on one tiny piece of parchment...
Also, Harry acted like he'd eaten a load of pixie sticks in the luck potion bit
The fangs thing cracked me up xD
All in all, I thought it was a really good movie, but they missed ALOT out
But I guess 2 and a half hours is really long for a movie anyway...
Thursday, 16 July 2009

Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Monday, 13 July 2009
All ready for House Challenge Day? Lol
Saturday, 11 July 2009
I went collecting this morning in Harpenden for Guide Dogs
I like collecting in Harpenden, loads of nice people~
There was this old grandpa person who had this very thick American accent, which was interesting
He donated some money and then like an hour later he came back and gave Vinnie some dog biscuits, which was nice of him, since I forgot to bring any. Whoops lol
He told me he had a dog as well, but when I asked what breed it was it turns out it's one of those breeds that has like, a seven word long name or something. It's Belgian, that's basically all I caught lol.
Vinnie was so milking it when the kids came to stroke him. He would give them his paw and roll over onto his back n all sorts. There was this man who brought up the cutest kid ever, called Ralphy, up to stroke the dog. He was only about 2 or something. And he wouldn't leave for like half n hour. The man didn't have any money so he went off to find his wife and came back with her and like 6 other kids and tons of change, Vinnie was getting so many strokes he didn't know where to look. Lol. And I got to give out stickers! Woot!
Near the end of my shift a cute guy came up and donated some money and wished me a nice day, which was nice, since no one really does that to collection people, or I haven't witnessed it, lol.
To put it short it didn't feel like a 2 hour shift. Next collection's at an airport! Woo hoo~
But I shall miss my spot outside Martins lol
Thursday, 9 July 2009
Blegh, it happened to me today with a skirt
Well over a few days actually
But whatever. It happened. I'm peeved now.