Monday, 20 July 2009

I forgot I had those...
Who knew Dan was so bipolar?

I watched the new Harry Potter movie today!! Wid ma family and friend
My Dad kept getting elbowing me cos Kirsty and me kept laughing, like this part when she moved the straw in her drink and it sounded like Dumbledore farted... hehee (immature much)
If you ain't watched it/read it yet, resist! RESISTTTT~

Or when Dumbledore was playing with the water the memories were swimming around in, and we half expected him to wipe his hand on Harry xD
I felt sorry for Draco in this movie. I mean, he was an absolute bastard and sorta broke Harry's face. But that's what Draco does. And he was crying and everything, that part was sad.
One of my fave bits was when Ron ate the love potion chocolates which were meant to be Harry's, and acted like he was drunk. That was hilarious. Especially when he fell off the sofa. But it was kinda freaky when he started foaming at the mouth from the drink.
It ended alot quicker than I expected it to. Not that much action in it, apart from the short duel in the bathroom, when Harry used Snape's spell on Draco
And the quidditch match apparently. I don't really know cos I had to go to the bathroom... lol
And the inferi (is that how it's spelt? Can't be asked to reference...) were freaking creepy.
And Dumbledore died for nothing, wtf.
Also, they must of tried alot of times to get all that writing on one tiny piece of parchment...
Also, Harry acted like he'd eaten a load of pixie sticks in the luck potion bit
The fangs thing cracked me up xD
All in all, I thought it was a really good movie, but they missed ALOT out
But I guess 2 and a half hours is really long for a movie anyway...

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