Friday, 23 October 2009


Yes, lately I have done alot of Superhero art, and I decided to do a post on it. Cos I am so kewl like.
Anyways, lets begin!
I'm gonna go backwards, just for the hell of it. How snazzy~
And Fran, just so you don't have to go through all my crap twice:
Thank you! And I use Photoshop Elements. It's made for photos but it's the only photoshop I have~

I was actually quite amazed someone hadn't done this already.

I mean, can you see where I'm coming from?! That's the 80's for you I guess.
But jeez.

I don't like the name Dick either, but when you say Richard it's weird. Like you're nagging or something lols. Everyone should just address him like an army cadet, cos that's what I do. And everyone should copy me cos I am amazing (not). But it works.

His name was actually good for this picture though. But now it seems as if it's a big ball of mocking-ness. Just because of his name. LOL. Plus I keep thinking of Lady GaGa...

I just feel sorry for him cos he went from traffic-light speedo kid to disco man before finally getting a good costume. And now he's the Batman! After all that~

Thank goodness they atleast gave him tights for the TV Series...

Does he qualify? Look at his sad, little face.
Anyways, he's meant to become one, and it's my blog so he qualifies. Lols.
Does he look sad to you? I wanted him to look sad. Like super sad but not sad sad... erm.
Whatever, does he look like he was abandoned?
Cos that's what I wanted...
I need to do more work with this OC. I might do a comic preview with him, once I get the layout and script sorted out. Then it's just a matter of time till you get sick of him. MUAHAHAA
And yes, I called him Leslie just to give him more grief. (I'm mean). It's meant to hav been his Grandad's name, which explains that...


It's Super Man! Only younger. By the way, I was on google the other day, searching Superman cos I came across his theme for some reason. And I found the grossest picture ever. Well it's not that bad but I hate it.

I'm not even gonna dignify (undignify) it by posting it here. You can have a link instead-

I need to work on backgrounds. Seriously. Apart from that, and his screwy eye, it's okay I guess...
Looky! It's Robin!

Seriously though, I draw this guy way too much, and I'm sure people are getting sick of it. But his hair is fun to draw. And so is his mask, the mask is badass.

He's one of those characters which you can't stop drawing till you get it EXACTLY right.
I'm quite happy with this picture. Dunno why, I'm just happy with all of it. I sound so bigheaded right now


[SPOILERS FOR ALL STAR: BATMAN & ROBIN -Boy Wonder. Ye' been warned. Slightly.]
But this isn't really my art. It's a scan of the comicbook I bought on Saturday last week. I really liked the panel so I decided to make a sig for a forum out of it.
Go me~ woo

This page is at the beginning when he's doing his acrobatic performance at the cricus with his parents, just before they die. Which is really sad, and then it's odd cos Bruce steals him from a cop car (cos Gotham cops are bastards. Like litterally.)

And then he just dumps him in The Batcave. And Alfred goes all soft and bring him silk pajamas and a cheeseburger secretly (I couldn't stop laughing at that bit. Seriously. The pajamas had pom-pom buttons xDD) And then Bruce and Alfred argued like a married couple. Then Grayson killed a rat with this gynormous axe cos he got sick of it hissing at him. Then he slit this guys face open and beat him up (but he has a right too, cos he shot his parents). And then he almost killed The Green Lantern. But he didn't like all that, cos before he wouldn't even squish bugs.

And THEN Bruce FINALLY takes him to his parents grave and then everythings all better. Kinda odd, but cool too. The main bit that's strange is his parents are shot in this version, when in most a villain (often The Joker) slashes a rope and they fall to their doom during their performance.

Plus there was really random making out. It was actually quite funny. One minute Wonder Woman and Superman are arguing about how Batman is killing their image but can't die, and Wonder Woman's going on about putting heads on spikes and stuff, and then they're snogging all over the place!
And Bruce makes out with a fangirl, well, actually she starts it, and she's a fanatic more than a fan-girl, she wants to be like him and live his lifestyle. It's still strange though.

Also, maybe it's just Batman's fault Grayson's sense of style is so weird. Because he asks him to make a costume, and he does, based on Robin Hood! Except he's called The Hood and uses a bow n arrow, and the costume is actually really awesome. I wanna draw it. And then Batman gave him a thumbs down, pulled his hood down over his face and made it himself.
So yes, it's all Bruce's fault. BLAME BRUCE.

Did anyone know that the Green Latern can't do anything to something wth his ring, if it's yellow? I think I used to but I forgot. It was really weird cos I turned the page and everything was BAMYELLOW. I was like WTF. They painted a whole un-rented flat yellow. And then themselves. And then Bruce drank goddamn lemonade just so he wouldn't beat them up. And he STILL got punched in the face quite a few times. I found that so funny. And then Robin almost killed him. Silly, angsty Robin

That's another thing I found funny in this book. The amount of times they say 'Goddamn' in it. I'm really tempted to just go through the book and count how many times they say it. There's a page where him and Dorothy (I think that's the fangirl persons name...) say it like 12 million times.

Anyways. The art in it is really good, like awesomely. Very inspiring to read and such. Well for me anyway. I wish I could draw like that, I wish I could have a job like that! If I could achieve something like that I would be happy for the rest of my life! Seriously.

I've scanned some pages and might put up my faves later this week if I get round to it. Which will probs be alot because I like EVERY page. But I promise to be merciful.

I'm sad. I can't find any of my other comic books. SOMEONE HAS STOLEN THEM >___> Including the really old one my Dad gave me, the one when Jason Todd Robin is killed by The Joker and a stupid crowbar >__>. I am sad. TT_TT

I'm sorry. I get excited about these things.
As my 3D teacher says; it's all very sexy.

Changed my layout. I was bored of all my stuff sitting around in the dark.
And I actually found the place where you can change your header. After like half a year, I'm so lazy. So might do that sometime...


  1. tbh I couldnt read all of this, but your work looks good. And I'm a bit worried about your 3D teacher?

  2. I didn't really expect anyone to read all of it. I was just very ecstatic about the book and needed to vent. Lols~

    And our 3D teacher is funny, in a weird way. It was like his first lesson when our classes began and he kept saying things like 'excited' and
    "I really like this chair design, it's very... err, SEXY!"
    It was really funny.
