Monday, 9 August 2010


Imma tiger
Ya' know, I first heard of this group this morning, when I was paiting while watching one of those music video channels where peeps text in and request stuff? I think it was called 'Starz' or something...
And this group came on, with their song called 'Enter the ninja'
When I first saw it I was like 'Are they for real?' Seriously. I thought it was, well, dreadful. I dunno, I couldn't believe someone had requested it.
But as they say in their interviews, their style is 'Car crash music'. So basically, you don't find it pleasant, but you can't stop looking.
I have to say, after watching their other stuff, and getting the feel of their stuff, I think that song's okay now lol.
They're pretty interesting chracters. Wiki them, they're cool~

I like how individual they are. Like how they're from South Africa (don't get much music from there here), and the different backgrounds they have and how they appear to the public. They don't put up a fake image if you get what I mean


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