Monday, 19 July 2010

Sorry wallet, it had to be done.
Oh yes.
A commenter on one of my pictures on Dev was talking about how they were compiling the outfit of Marty McFly out of Back to the Future for some reason, and they were asking me if I knew if I knew what his watch and stuff were, right?
And out of the kindness of my heart, I decided to go look for him. Though I didn't actually expect to find anything lols
But I did! And I couldn't resist and bought one for myself too.
I dunno if I'm actually gonna wear it, but my current watch is really boring anyways. So atleast this one has an interesting story behind it lol
So yeah, now I have an 80's watch, woop woop :D
Added note: My tablet is being a tosser and won't work properly, so prepare for more sketches instead of digital pictures in the near future, cos that's all I'm able to do right now ):