Friday, 7 May 2010

My facebook is totally screwwedddddd
It's only showing 3 people online, right?
It started at college, I was bored so I went on facebook. And it was only showing 3 people online.
So I was like right, well that's to be expected. It is quarter past 11, most people are in class.
But the tab kept saying 12 when I refreshed the page until I clicked on it. So I thought it was just the college computers being screwy.
But it's doing it again now. So weird~ lol
And it's always the same 3 people! Whattttt
Oh wells.
Oh also, did anyone get affected by the StA powercut today? (omg that rhymed lol)
Half of St Alban's shops had to close because of the power going off
College had it too but only for a split second. The computers flashed off n on and stuff. And the internet was screwed.
I'm actually quite glad that happened cos I get so bored just sitting around in the LRC on a freaking website. I mean, it's fun, but... c'mon, good things in moderation.
I always end up spinning around on my chair and just being generally annoying . Haha
So I did actually manage to get these 2 people out of the LRC and down to town. Now I have a massive pick a mix and a bottle of oasis. Tis' allll goood :D
Then it was textiles. The end.
Though I still have a massive pick a mix <3 la~

Meh. Basic sum up.
Fine art class, crap, textiles.
I'm gonna go watch a movie.
What did everyone else do today?


  1. woke up at 10 went to college to get taxi to school, taxi didnt turn up, went home to get my mum to take me to school, got to school, had physics, had cake, talked about life, the universe and everything, went home, went to town, bought food and drink, went home, ate food and drank drink while watching HP6 and Jonny English. tada!

  2. Johnny Englishhhhh :D
    Gawd you make me want to watch Harry Potter now |:
