Thursday, 4 February 2010

Yesterday felt like a Saturday, cos everyone was home again. My poor sense of time has gone out the window, and there wasn't much of it to start with.

I don't like Thursdays. Never really liked Thursdays. There's not really a reason not to like them, I just don't.
Anyways, it was quite funny. Since our photo teacher went on one of the many art trips for the second years, we had R, our personal tutor, who also takes us for the hour lesson afterwards aswell (which is like enrichment condensed... omg. Except it's called tutorial in college).
No one really turned up on time, (I was actually early for once, woop woop lol) , cept' for 3 of us, and she came along and let us in, then went to get her lunch.

Now R is a perfectly nice lady. She can be quite likeable. But she can also be very boring, and she seems to have personal space issues. She gets right up close to you, and she doesn't change her clothes very often... which puts many people off her. We actually counted the number of days she wore the same outfit to classes, and it was like, 2 weeks? Then she wore a diff outfit for one day, and everyone was suprised (seriously, lol) and then the next day she wore the before outfit. I dunno.

She also thinks I'm some kind of leper or something. Whenever she sees me she asks if I'm fitting in, or making friends or whatever. It gets really annoying. The whole group is basically mates with each other, (it's the other 2 groups that are having social soaps lol), and she's seen me talk to loads of people. So I really don't know what the problem is that she thinks I have. She also talked to my Mum for about half an hour at Parents Ev on Tuesday about it. Which just provokes Mum's theory that I'm shy as well. Ffs. I swear one day I'm just gonna burst and shout it all in her face instead of silently agreeing with her accusations all the time.

Anyway, so everyone else came up in one big clump of people while she was away, and they were all like 'Where's the teacher?' So we told them R was covering, and since she had the lesson afterward as well, they realised they could just skyve the afternoon and go home. Which half of them did. They were all like 'The bus might still be there! You never saw me!', and ran out the door. Lol

R also asked me to help this girl with processing her film, since I did it last year. (This is one reason I like photography, I don't have to learn anything new, lols. I also get asked alot of questions, makes me feel all important, haha). I said I'd be happy to, but the girl I was meant to be helping didn't seem that pleased with the situation. Whenever I'm around her she has once of those faces that looks like she's smelt something bad. I knew she wouldn't like it that much. She seems to have some kind of problem with me. Shame is we're good friends with the same person, so we hang around alot anyway, so when the friend's not there it's just awkward silence. So I thought this would be a good time to get over that and decided to help her. SO after she got all her stuff, I noticed she was missing something and asked her 'Do you have a film opener?' and pointed to where they were. And she nodded. (She doesn't even talk to me. So I end up trying conversation openers and she just goes along with her bad-smell face). So I was like 'Alright... the instrustions are on the board, if you need any help just ask me, I'll be in the dark room.' She didn't even reply after that.

So I started getting my negs ready, and the common client walks in and asks her the same thing I did and she goes 'No I don't. Where are they?' I was trying not to look annoyed and not pay attention, but I'm pretty sure scowled for a second. I know it's a pretty petty thing to get irritated about, but she does it all the time.

Anyway, I went in the dark room, with another of my good friends. There's only two of us, and we're like joking and what not, and she walks in and keeps asking for the friends help. Not mine, even though I've not seen them talk before. This happened about 7 times or something. And then she came in the dark room, and the friend had gone on the pc and stuff so it was just me and her now. And she wouldn't even come up to the trays cos I was there. She just set up her englarger then un set it up and went away.

I don't even know what her problem is. I don't ignore her so why does she ignore me? It's frikking annoying. I don't think I'm gonna bother trying to start talking with her anymore. She can keep being stupid and I'll just ignore her like she does me. Twat.

Apart from that, it was okay. Had jokes in the dark room with mates, and I now need to get a new box of paper cos I swear I'm always sharing with someone during lessons. Haha
Also, ended up having no tut anyway, we convinced her to let us go early, lols.