Monday, 27 July 2009

Well, before you think I'm somekind of wannabe pimp gangsta thing
The reason I'm dressed like this is because my parents were going through the stuff in their closet, and I came in innocently, cause they asked me whether I wanted one of the laptop bags they found. And they attacked me. With clothes. And you can probably tell by the tie they made me do it myself. Lol, it's not even done right :/ And I have to admit the aviators were my idea xD But everything else, was like, shoved on
Yeah, so I don't usually dress like this xD But I found it funny
I mean why did my Dad buy a furry vest?! LOL, it was quite comfy though...
Now all I need is a pimp cane xD

Friday, 24 July 2009

I am officially the most hypocritical (and boredest) person in the world:
And now, after a night spent on talking to the other side of the world. I'm going to bed.
G'night everybody~ Or morning... whatever...
Crap. Now I wanna join twitter. Well that was a slap round my own face. lol
People who use twitter are called twitterers right?
But shouldn't it really be twits? hehehee
I'm mean~
I was watching HP dubs the other day, and I found one so funny I decided to record it on my phone and use it as a ringtone. And then my phones battery went dead straight after and I forgot all about it.

So just now I decided to finally plug in the charger again, and it went through the whole turn on thingy, and it takes like, 3 mins for messages to load so I was just browsing the net. And I got bored of the radio so I decided to turn it off. And then someone started talking and I was just like WTF?! I turned you off! and started stabbing my radio. Until I finally remembered it was my phone :/

Lol I'm lame.

Oh yeah.

That's seriously what I thought of when I saw that photo.
Poor Voldy. So misunderstood. xD



I was thinking
Most of the time, a person who uses twitter is called a twitterer, right?
But, shouldn't it really be a twit? xD

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Tuppence for Link?


Lotsa green~

If you click on it, it gets bigger. You can see all the shiny details I put in :P
Whether you want to or not! D:<

Yaaaaaay~ HP dub time :3

Monday, 20 July 2009

I forgot I had those...
Who knew Dan was so bipolar?

I watched the new Harry Potter movie today!! Wid ma family and friend
My Dad kept getting elbowing me cos Kirsty and me kept laughing, like this part when she moved the straw in her drink and it sounded like Dumbledore farted... hehee (immature much)
If you ain't watched it/read it yet, resist! RESISTTTT~

Or when Dumbledore was playing with the water the memories were swimming around in, and we half expected him to wipe his hand on Harry xD
I felt sorry for Draco in this movie. I mean, he was an absolute bastard and sorta broke Harry's face. But that's what Draco does. And he was crying and everything, that part was sad.
One of my fave bits was when Ron ate the love potion chocolates which were meant to be Harry's, and acted like he was drunk. That was hilarious. Especially when he fell off the sofa. But it was kinda freaky when he started foaming at the mouth from the drink.
It ended alot quicker than I expected it to. Not that much action in it, apart from the short duel in the bathroom, when Harry used Snape's spell on Draco
And the quidditch match apparently. I don't really know cos I had to go to the bathroom... lol
And the inferi (is that how it's spelt? Can't be asked to reference...) were freaking creepy.
And Dumbledore died for nothing, wtf.
Also, they must of tried alot of times to get all that writing on one tiny piece of parchment...
Also, Harry acted like he'd eaten a load of pixie sticks in the luck potion bit
The fangs thing cracked me up xD
All in all, I thought it was a really good movie, but they missed ALOT out
But I guess 2 and a half hours is really long for a movie anyway...

Thursday, 16 July 2009

I got to pick 34 slides out my hair last night. Yay~

My new official fave animal is now the Axolotl

I mean, geez, look at it!

If you don't think that's cute there's something wrong with you!

Plus, it can grow like, limbs and parts of its brain back. That's freaking cool. But sometimes it goes weird and they grow extra limbs, >.>. But it's still cool.

Oh yeah, and weirdest fish ever:

It looks like the godfather...

An alien godfather...

A very depressed alien godfather. Yes. That's what it is.

And it's called a Blobfish LOL


It's all squishy cause it's almost totally made of jelly, which is a little denser than water so it can float around in the water at the bottom of the ocean without doing anything. It's strategy for feeding, is also just sitting there waiting for something slightly edible to flost by, so it's lazy too...
... And dribbling... ewwwwww

Okay, so now it's a very depressed, lazy alien godfather, with the most unimaginative name on the planet. Which is dribbling.

Wow. Sucks to be him... or her... or... whatever it is O___o

Okay, totally different subject:
I wondered what everyone was going on about...
Okay, got that out.
Plus, when the prime minister guy told the man that he had to sacrafice his own children to make the goverment look good, I felt like whacking him round the head with his own hardback folder. Stupid man. Yay for the receptionist lady. Or whoever she was.
Also, My pc's being retarded, and won't let me reply. Plus, I'm not even sure if I was doing it right anyway, so:
@fran: Yeah, that's why she was there~ I thought she told you that anyway.
Okay, there was no particular reason to make this but it was fun.
Not sure if I can be bothered to go to school tomoz. There probs won't be an art lesson anyway... :S

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Trying to finish the book before seeing the new Harry Potter movie on the 19th
Officially started this morning
Think I have a chance?
I'm nervous for tomorrow. But atleast I get to wear what I want to this one. All the other times I hair modeled I had to wear white shirts and black trousers ):

Monday, 13 July 2009

Yay this weekend was fun. As well as collecting I spent most of it with my friend. Drinking blue WKD, shlinking round Homebase, trying to figure out how to top-n-tail effectively without getting kicked out or frozen from lack of duvet, and messing around with the paper packaging you get on straws from McDonalds. Fun timess

All ready for House Challenge Day? Lol

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Yay! Fun morning (:
I went collecting this morning in Harpenden for Guide Dogs
I like collecting in Harpenden, loads of nice people~
There was this old grandpa person who had this very thick American accent, which was interesting
He donated some money and then like an hour later he came back and gave Vinnie some dog biscuits, which was nice of him, since I forgot to bring any. Whoops lol
He told me he had a dog as well, but when I asked what breed it was it turns out it's one of those breeds that has like, a seven word long name or something. It's Belgian, that's basically all I caught lol.

Vinnie was so milking it when the kids came to stroke him. He would give them his paw and roll over onto his back n all sorts. There was this man who brought up the cutest kid ever, called Ralphy, up to stroke the dog. He was only about 2 or something. And he wouldn't leave for like half n hour. The man didn't have any money so he went off to find his wife and came back with her and like 6 other kids and tons of change, Vinnie was getting so many strokes he didn't know where to look. Lol. And I got to give out stickers! Woot!

Near the end of my shift a cute guy came up and donated some money and wished me a nice day, which was nice, since no one really does that to collection people, or I haven't witnessed it, lol.

To put it short it didn't feel like a 2 hour shift. Next collection's at an airport! Woo hoo~
But I shall miss my spot outside Martins lol

I just finished watching a 80's sci-fi/comedy film called
'Earth Girls are Easy'
t'was hilarious
Well I thought it was anyway.
But I missed like, the first half an hour of it
And now I need even more money, to buy the dvd.
Atleast it'll be cheap
Lol. Fuzzy aliens (:

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Don't you just hate when you spend aaaaages looking for something, and you finally find it and you're really happy with it. And then suddenly everyone seems to have some kind of version of it?
Blegh, it happened to me today with a skirt
Well over a few days actually
But whatever. It happened. I'm peeved now.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

I want money ):